Well I am sitting in the basement of the education building (a not to bad looking Ved Med 2nd year is sitting at the table one over from mine) and I pull out my laptop. It started acting really odd so I opted for the restart. Well me just me and the Vet student down here it was a little awkward to sit here and do nothing so I pulled out my management book and started reading and working on my vocab note cards! Not to bad huh- I did something with the little extra time I found!
Well this has actually being happening all day!
This morning when S got up for his shower he asked me to make him breakfast (this is kinda our routine this semester on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays when he has to be at school at 8:30, and I don't have a class till 10:30). Well, I hemmed and hawed till he told me it was ok and to just stay in bed- so I did. (I hate the cold house in the morning!) So I waited till he was dressed, cooked and ate his breakfast and came in to tell me that he was leaving- to get out of bed. I have found that this is the best way to convince him that I actuality DO something when he is gone. But after I waved goodbye to the truck as it drove down the driveway- I made a beeline to the bedroom and stayed in bed for a whole hour more!
Then I felt guilty. I laid in bed thinking about how I should get up and what I should do before I left for school around 9:45. Then I rolled over and it was 8:30. I kept thinking that sleeping until 5 min before I had to leave was a terrible way to start my first full day of productivity. So I got up. I didn't feel like taking a shower so I just decided to get dressed. This was made fairly easy by the large amount of clean close I had to choose from- Hooray new washing machine!!! But then I felt bad for the large pile of clothes that I had been avoiding so I started to put them away as I got dressed. But the bed looked so inviting- So I made the bed! Since all the clean close were away- I put all the dirty close in the hamper! The last real "pick up" thing to do in the bedroom is to match the huge pile of clean socks we have accumulated!
So I took my excitment into the bathroom. Gross! The sink was very nasty. So I pulled (the last- must add to shopping list) roll of paper towels and put them under the bathroom sink. I think wiped down the counter and sink with one, put the toothbrushes and toothpaste, mouthwash, shaving cream, shower spray, and razor into the medicine cabinet where they go! (Side Note: I am highly amused by our medicine cabnet since I have never had one before. I have designated a "teeth station" in the middle where the brushes, toothpaste, and floss go- mouthwash is too big so it goes under the sink, and there is a razor area with S's shaving stuff, and the top shelf has general items like Q-tips, cotton balls and my extra hair ties! Yeah for a little organization!)
I then took my excitement to the front room where as I packed up my backpack I put away the blankets from watching Heros last night (Yup- all 4 episodes, but we did take a break between 2 and 3 for a 1 hour study session) I took all the socks and other various clothing/work out clothes to the hamper. I then felt bad because the hamper was looking pretty full. I remembered S was wanting some jeans washed so I stared the washer and sorted out a load of cotton darks.
New Plan: Every day I will start the washer when I leave for school! I don't like to sleep with it on, kinda makes me have to Pee. And at night I will start the dishwasher! Obviously with only the 2 of us, we don't make enough close and dishes for this to be needed EVERY day, but I will try it until I get these areas under control.
Ok- so for the rest of my day I went to school, had a super boring theater class, met S for lunch as a pizza place by campus (working on brown bagging lunches in one of my areas to tackle next semester), then had a review session in my promotional strategies class where I presented my chosen commercial and told why it was effective. After this class I met S in the education building lounge and he was not feeling well. He wanted to take a nap their but I felt he needed a proper nap- so I sent him home and told him I would come get him and bring him to school for his night class (currently in progress). He agreed and headed home.
I went to the resource room in my building to write 5 papers over 5 chosen professor's Vitas. They are due tomorrow at 3:30pm. I competed 3 till it was time for me to head home to pick S up. I am planning on finishing the other 2 tomorrow before class- along with my theater paper that is due at 10:30 on Friday. My reward for finishing tomorrow and not Friday morning is me and my good friend B are going to be in the Christmas Parade with our bikes for the bike shop that S works at! I am excited but it will be cold- I best remember to bring my warm close in tomorrow morning, don't think I will have time to go home tomorrow.
So over all a good day! I am proud of myself. I need to work on a morning and a night routine, I think that will help a lot.
So what did I knock off my list from yesterday?
- Clip and file cupons- well they are cliped, did that last night while watching Heros, but as far as filing goes, I cant find my coupon file! I can't go the grocery store till I find it. Guess that is now on the list for things to do tomorrow!
- Bathe C-Dog- did not happen. I think this will get moved to Sunday or Monday when I will have time to keep her inside.
- Theater Paper- no written progress, but I have started to work out the outline in my head. I also talked to others in my class today about what they did. Poor teacher- he is going to get 32 exactly the same papers- the play was just that bad!
- Start Intro papers- well, 3 down, 2 to go. Due date- 3:30pm Thursday.
- I worked a teeny-tiny amount on management- maybe more later tonight.
- Pick up front room- I did a lot of this and with little effort HOORAY!!!
- Finish Intro papers
- More on management reading/note cards
- Find coupon file
- Start/finish theater paper
- Continue picking up front room
- Unload/reload the dishwasher and run during the night
- Put washer in dryer tonight, in morning fold/put away dryer and start another load in washer! (yeah for a system?)
What keeps you motivated? How do you keep yourself accountable for your time, actions, money, etc?
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