Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Proof of Procrastination: The Story of the Eggs


We rarely buy eggs. We are vegetarian and most of my baking is vegan.

I really wanted eggs to make my "Hey Finals; Eat This" cake that I had been planning for weeks. I have a box cake mix so I figured I would just whip it up sometime this week as a little stress reliever. I normal bake from scratch and use soy milk and vinegar as an egg replacement, but I was going for a quick fix here.

Last friday night we met the in-laws for a pre-finals dinner half way between their house and ours (about an hour drive for both of us). We had lovely Chinese buffet then proceeded to the Wal-Mart to pick up the family pictures we had taken there a few weeks ago. Well we were 10 min too late and the photo both was closed. Stupid stupid small town Wal-Mart! So we wondered the store looking for useless things we don't really need. I got a cute hat with ear flaps, wonderful winter cup cake liners, and sent S to the back of the food section to collect.... MY EGGS!!!

We are in the middle of some serious winter weather right now and it is cold. A while after we got home and brought everything I realized that the eggs didn't make it in the house. "Oh well," S said "its cold enough outside to keep them good." Fine. Whatever.

Well the eggs didn't make it in the house all day Saturday, the didn't even come in until Sunday morning!

We were iced in all day Sunday so no going to town for church or anything. But thankfully I had eggs to make my finals cake- which is almost gone!

(I am very glad the eggs are ok. We are pretty sure that they never froze, and I cracked them all in a separate bowl to check on them before adding them to the cake.)

Lesson learned: Put your boots and coveralls back on and trudge outside in the weather to rescue the perishable food that YOU left in the car. Honestly if that food gets spoiled then it is just a waist of money and a big mess.

Talking about this makes me realize how bad I need to clean out the fridge- I am sure that there is all kinds of things growing in some of those containers! Ahhh!!!!

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